
Logistics is the activity of optimizing the storage, two-way transportation of resources, finance, information... from supplier to warehouse, through the production process, factories, warehouses, wholesalers, retailers and consumers. In essence, logistics are activities serving the production and circulation of goods born and associated with businesses' production for hundreds of years. Logistics is increasingly developing at a higher level, including more diversified and complex activities specialized in an independent service industry. It is a new issue of the world economy that has attracted businesses and governments' special attention from the last decades of the 20th century to the present. The research on investment in building a port logistics center is in line with the world trend of improving service quality. It creates added value for goods through the port, so most major ports focus on planning and building super large logistics centers. This article focuses on systematizes and supplements some theoretical issues about logistics and logistics centers. At the same time, they evaluated the research on models of developing logistics centers in some countries worldwide, thereby giving lessons for Vietnam.

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