
Elastically anisotropic, physically based, length-scale- and rate-dependent crystal plasticity finite element investigations of a model hcp polycrystal are presented and a systematic study was carried out on the effects of combinations of crystallographic orientations on local, grain-level stresses and accumulated slip in cycles containing cold dwell. It is shown that the most damaging combination is the one comprising a primary hard grain with c -axis near-parallel to the loading direction and an adjacent soft grain having c -axis near-normal to the load and a prismatic slip plane at approximately 70° to the normal to the load. We term such a combination a rogue grain combination. In passing, we compare results with the Stroh model and show that even under conditions of plasticity in the hcp polycrystal, the Stroh model qualitatively predicts some of the observed behaviours. It is shown that under very particular circumstances, a morphological – crystallographic interaction occurs which leads to particularly localized accumulated slip in the soft grain and the penetration of the slip into the adjacent hard grain. The interaction effect occurs only when the (morphological) orientation of the grain boundary in the rogue grain combination coincides (within approximately ±5°) with the (crystallographic) orientation of an active slip system in the soft grain. It is argued that the rogue grain combination and the morphological–crystallographic interaction are responsible for fatigue facet formation in Ti alloys with cold dwell, and a possible mechanism for facet formation is presented. The experimental observations of fatigue facet formation have been reviewed and they provide considerable support for the conclusions from the crystal plasticity modelling. In particular, faceting was found to occur at precisely those locations predicted by the model, i.e. at a rogue grain combination. Some experimental evidence for the need for a crystallographic–morphological interaction in faceting is also presented.

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