
Internetworking of vehicles, physical devices and other objects is known as Internet of Things. The Internet is one of the technologies that is constantly evolving and growing in use across the world. A system called the Internet of Things (IoT) consists of a machine, a detector, a channel, data storage, and an interface. Permits the artifacts to be remotely operated via existing infrastructure, providing opportunities for greater integration of the physical world with machine-based systems resulting in increased performance, efficiency and environmental benefits and accomplish certain goals IoT is a brand-new technology that is taking off in a variety of industries worldwide. There is rapid growth as well as promising technology which is becoming increasingly present in our daily lives. It was difficult to create IoT devices nevertheless, because of numerous barriers and difficulties with integrating IoT devices. This paper outlines the key concerns, applications, challenges, and solutions related to the IoT. This paper also briefly discussed IoT's potential future trends and applications to help readers gain a deeper grasp of IoT hardware. This will give bigger picture and detailed information on Internet of Things on why it is gaining popularity in today's world.

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