
The objective of this paper is to analyze existing data related to the monkeypox virus, its genomic characterization, transmission, prevention, and treatment available considering the current scenario of the monkeypox outbreak globally and posing a threat to public health. The literature search was performed in databases including PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar up to September 2022. The monkeypox virus is a re-emerging threat to international travel and public health that poses fresh difficulties. Due to these effects, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a human monkeypox public health emergency of international concern on July 23, 2022. The illness can spread from animals to humans, from humans to animals, and possibly from humans to humans. However, humanto-human transmission of the monkeypox virus is much more uncommon than animal-to-human transmission. During the outbreak of monkeypox in 2022, 5 continents have shown test positive in less than three months. Most of the cases were in men who have sex with men. There are several methods for diagnosis like genetic method, phenotypic method, immunological method, and electron microscopy. To prevent the spreading of the monkeypox virus, numerous precautions can be taken such as avoiding direct or indirect contact with an infected person, vaccination, or specific medication.

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