
Pericarp histology in the Archontophoenicinae provides little to characterize the subtribe as a whole, revealing instead two separate trends with parallels in other subtribes of the Areceae. The data support a close relationship among the three genera occurring in New Caledonia:Chambeyronia, Actinokentia, andKentiopsis, in which there is a complex endocarp consisting of short, oblique fibrous bundles embedded in a thick mantle of brachysclereids, and a loose endocarp of heavily fibrous, flattened vascular bundles adjacent to a relatively thin locular epidermis. The data also support a close relationship between the two genera of the New Zealand/Tasman Sea region:Hedyscepe andRhopalostylis, in which the pericarp is more or less fibrous throughout, with purely fibrous bundles in the outer pericarp and heavily fibrous vascular bundles in the inner pericarp. These results confirm relationships revealed by other morphological data.Archontophoenix appears to be most like the New Caledonian genera in its pericarp structure, with a similar mantle of short fibrous bundles embedded in a a mantle of brachysclereids in the outer pericarp, although it differs significantly in other aspects of morphology and anatomy.

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