
Textual language information processing is the computer processing on the form and meaning of natural information. At present, the researches mainly focus on some special fields, such as word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging, etc. But until now, the achievements can hardly meet the needs of the computer automatic understanding on natural language. From this point, we should process the language meaning to achieve the deep knowledge acquisition and inference of the language information processing with the help of detailed analysis of sentence semantic structure and cognitive system based on the corpus. Basing on the existential sentence but not strictly clinging to the special existential sentence, that is, taking the view of general existential sentence, this paper extends its objects to the dynamic sentence, which denotes the existence, appearance or disappearance of something in some place. But taking the length into consideration, this paper merely emphasizes on the general existential sentence of V-Construction, whose common types are something in some places V or something V in some place, analyses not only its syntax and semantics, but also the reasons of the V-Construction from the cognitive perspective, and provides the resources for the computer to handle the semantic knowledge offered by Chinese. Through the quantitative statistics and qualitative inorganic analysis, the correlativity between dynamic and static existential sentence of V-Construction can be obtained, meanwhile, the sentence system of V-Construction can also be constructed.

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