
year of Emil August Goeldi’s anniversary (August 28, 1859), several events were planned in his honour, starting in February 2009 with a Belem ‘samba school’ taking as its motif for this year’s samba and for decoration of its floats, Emil Goeldi and the Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (MPEG). The school won third place in this years ranking, despite the fact that in the text of the samba Emil Goeldi was described as a “jovem cientista, zoologo, naturista” (young scientist, zoologist, naturist). Apparently the difference between a naturalist and a naturist had escaped the attention of the songwriter, but the samba was a success.Other activities planned for this year by the MPEG in Belem are an exhibition about Goeldi, the publication of a catalogue of the photo collection of MPEG that was started by Goeldi, the three issues of the “Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi. Ciencias Humanas” will be dedicated to Goeldi, with the April issue being dedicated to the history of archeology in the Amazon basin, with three texts published by Goeldi in German translated into Portuguese, and finally there are plans for a small symposium about Brazilian-German relations in science, also dedicated to Goeldi.Nelson Sanjad, director of Communications of MPEG, trained as a journalist and a science historian, and with a vast knowledge of MPEG’s history, contributes to the honours to be bestowed upon Goeldi this year by a very well written and illustrated biography that deals with all aspects of Goeldi’s scientific and politic life, and with some flashes of his more personal family life.The book is well executed. The jacket consists of a superposition of a colourplate of Goeldi’s “Album de Aves Amazonicas”, showing a colony of red ibis, on top of a map in grey of the lower Amazon river. The layout of the book is attractive, with 21 pages in full colour (some of them showing species described by Goeldi) and many more with black and white figures. Many pages have a figure in the background, with other figures or text superimposed on it, providing a lively environment. Pictures may represent photo’s or drawings of animals, landscapes, floor plans, letters, pages from journals or books and portraits, taken from historical publications (mostly by Goeldi), and from the archives of MPEG, but also from the archives of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Nelson Sanjad writes in a clear and pleasant style that makes reading a relaxing exercise, helped by the visual attractiveness of the layout.The book is divided in two parts. The first part (“Itinerary”) is a classical biography, dealing with many aspects of Goeldi’s life from birth to death. This part is subdivided in the following chapters: New roads; Doctorate and applied science; Moving to Rio de Janeiro; Applied zoology in agriculture; Conflicts in the museum;

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