
AbstractGiovanni Sorge, “A Swiss Analyst in Cinecitta: Peter Ammann speaks of Fellini, Mastorna, Satyricon and Africa, Swiss Analyst in Cinecitta: Peter Ammann speaks of Fellini, Mastorna, Satyricon and Africa,” in The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal, 2006, 25:2, 74-94. Peter Ammann, after having graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute of Zurich in 1965, spent four years in Rome, where he met Federico Fellini. Fellini had become a great admirer of Jung's ideas through the profound influence of Dr. Ernst Bernhard, the first Jungian analyst in Italy. In this interview by Giovanni Sorge, Ammann tells us about how he met Fellini at a time when the Italian film director was in the middle of a serious creative crisis. Later on, during the production of Fellini Satyricon, Ammann became one of his assistants. Though Ammann was not his analyst, Fellini shared numerous dreams with him that throw a highly interesting light on a period of Fellini's life that marked a turning point in his career as a fil...

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