
112 Teacher Trainees participated in this study. The purpose of the study was to identify and explain teacher trainee’s perceptions, experiences and their assessment of the teacher education programme in the school of Education. The objectives of the study included; To assess the teacher trainees’ expectations when joining the School of Education. Identify the teacher trainee’s experiences at the School of Education as they undergo the programme. To solicit the views of the teacher trainees on how to improve the teacher education programme. A qualitative approach was used to collect data using open ended questionnaires and focus group discussions. Results show that Teacher trainees do not receive adequate and appropriate career guidance at secondary school level. The School of Education does not effectively explain to them what is involved in the programme. Teacher trainees feel they are not adequately prepared to meet the demands and needs of secondary school curriculum. Recommendations include lecturers attending/oriented to a course of teacher education, more government funding and revision of teacher education curriculum. DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2013.v3n5p43

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