
The structure of teacher education in Germany and the pathways to teaching are closely linked to the organization and structure of the different school systems in the 16 Lander. Thus, the following description of the ‘German teacher education system’ provides an overview of its general features, rather than a detailed description of all its variations. Following the primary school, which is a comprehensive school for all pupils, the lower secondary school is vertically tracked. This school system, which can be described as a ‘mixed model’ of a horizontally and vertically structured system is also reflected in the teacher education system. Thus, we can identify vertically differentiated teacher education tracks at the secondary school level (e.g. grammar schools and teachers for Hauptand Realschulen) and a horizontally structured, comprehensive teacher education phase for the primary school level. As a result of this mixture of horizontal and vertical structures, there is a multitude of teaching degrees in the different Lander, ranging from teaching degrees for a particular type of school (e.g in Bavaria) or a teaching degree for a combination of different types of schools (e,g. teaching degree for Hauptand Realschule in Baden-Wurttemberg) to teaching degrees for a certain school level (e.g. primary or lower secondary school). Despite the multitude of different teaching degrees, the relevant entry requirement for all university-based teacher education courses is the Abitur. As the multi-faceted structure suggests, teacher education in Germany is not a federal issue and is therefore organized and controlled by the 16 Lander. In order to guarantee a minimum of uniformity and comparability of teaching education courses and degrees across the whole of Germany, the ‘Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs’ (KMK) coordinates structural issues related to schooling and teacher education. However, this does not include the definition of entry requirements, which are defined by individual universities with regard to certain subjects and/or teaching degrees.

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