
Concept corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained importance and popularity simultaneously with the rise of concept “sustainable development”. Business world has comprehended that sustainable development isn’t only field of interest of public sector and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) anymore, and in addition to their own financial sustainability they should go into action rapidly to take an active role in social progress and sources survivability. Here in multiple shareholders dialog and increase of sharing between actors are of capital importance. CSR and sustainable development are two in dissociable concepts anymore and it is obvious that providing sustainable development is impossible without an appropriate social responsibility approach to be developed by private sector. In parallel with these developments companies put into practice Corporate Social Responsibility Projects with a chosen NGO. Many foundations seeing the advantages of social responsibility projects has established their own associations and charitable organizations. Present situation in producing social responsibility projects and putting them into practice promise hope considerably for world future. In this sense the role and support of NGOs in social responsibility activities carried out in running have importance.

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