
 The article presents a subsystem of exercises for the formation and fostering spoken language proficiency competences in English for future bachelors of computer engineering. The concepts of exercise and task are specified. Outlined types and kinds of exercises that we consider appropriate in the formation of spoken language proficiency competences in English for future specialists in the field of computer engineering. The stages of formation of relevant skills and abilities are defined and characterized. Teaching speaking and listening skills to the above-mentioned specialists takes place in 3 stages: 1) preparatory 2) receptive- reproductive / productive, receptive-productive, 3) productive. The purpose of the preparatory stage is to master the background knowledge and the formation of the language environment and language community. This stage includes receptive, receptive-reproductive exercises, exercises for the development of listening and speaking skills. The second stage, receptive-reproductive / productive, involves active training in oral speech with the help of appropriate professionally-oriented materials and situations. The exercises of the second stage are aimed at training students in monologue speech, namely at achieving and solving a communicative task, at expressing their own opinions; listening comprehension exercises take place in 3 stages - pre-listening, while listening, and after listening. Examples of exercises for development of listening skills are as follows: exercises for activating prior knowledge, listening for gist, exercises for discussing what was heard. During the final receptive-productive, productive stage, students do exercises to improve the acquired knowledge and developed skills. By this stage, students have already mastered the relevant professional disciplines, acquired appropriate speaking skills through the exercises of the second stage, and already have certain skills and professionally oriented knowledge in the field of computer engineering, so exercises such as role-playing games, projects, case studies are a logical continuation in the formation and fostering spoken(oral/vocal) language proficiency competences in English for future bachelors of computer engineering. Samples of the developed exercises are presented to each stage.

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