
The present study aims at assess the effect of teaching cum demonstration on knowledge regarding selected aspects of Essential Newborn Care among postnatal mothers. The present study is based on General System Theory (Ludwig von Bertalanffy).The Essential Newborn Care Course (ENCC) aims to ensure health workers have the skills and knowledge to provide appropriate care at the most vulnerable period in a baby’s life. Health workers are taught to use WHO’s Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Newborn Care. The investigator during her clinical posting observed that postnatal mothers were not having sufficient knowledge regarding newborn care, so that’s why their baby becomes sick and unhealthy. Globally 4 million newborns die every year before they reach the age of one month and approximately 3.4 million newborns die within the first week of life.The main objective of the present study is to assess the pre-existing knowledge regarding selected aspects of Essential Newborn Care among postnatal mothers. The research approach is quantitative approach and the design selected for the study is pre-experimental design, in which one group pre-test – post-test design. Sampling technique is convenience sampling. Samples consists of 30 postnatal mothers who was admitted in selected hospital and those postnatal mothers who satisfies the inclusion criteria are considered as samples. Content validity is done with the help of experts. Split-Half method is used to check the reliability.Evaluate the effect of teaching cum demonstration on selected aspects of Essential Newborn Care among postnatal mothers. And associate the knowledge with selected demographic variable among postnatal mothers. The mean 22.433 of post-test score was more than the mean 13.200 of pre-test score of postnatal mothers. There is totalenhancementoccur 9.233. The comparison of Pre-test and post-test knowledge on selected aspects of Essential Newborn Care among postnatal mother had significant difference with t value (13.052) at p< 0.05 Level of significance. From this study researcher found that the postnatal mothers have gained knowledge on selected aspects of Essential Newborn Care among postnatal mothers.

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