
Education is a priority axis for the government of our country, Mexico. The teaching-learning process is a challenge in each classroom, its importance lies mainly in raising the productivity of society. In this context, the application of pedagogical approaches and environments that allow meaningful learning are sought. For its part, we identify learning styles as cognitive, physiological and affective traits, of how students perceive, interact and respond to different learning environments. The objective of this research is to analyze and evaluate learning styles as an indicator that serves as a starting point to distinguish the way in which students learn and guide the teaching act in the design of learning strategies according to a segmentation of students of according to their learning styles or their predominance to achieve meaningful learning. The study proposes a field investigation using the Honey Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire (CHAEA) as a data collection instrument. The methodological process of the research was divided into two phases: the first covers the design and application of the CHAEA instrument. In the second, the results obtained by means of a frequency analysis are exhibited.

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