
Chinese animation film originated in the 20th century, and after a difficult process of exploration, it gradually developed in the 21st century. It is well known that film is one of the most widespread and influential art forms, and Chinese animated films are, as a rule, more loaded with numerous traditional Chinese cultural elements than ordinary films. Therefore, launching Chinese movies out of China is an effective way to spread China's excellent traditional culture, translation of culturally loaded words in movie subtitles determines whether the cultural export will be successful. On this premise, this paper will take the Chinese animated film Big Fish & Begonia as an example, analyze the translation strategies of culturally loaded words in the context of the characteristics of subtitle translation, summarize the desirable features of the translation strategies adopted, and at the same time point out the shortcomings and propose modifications to inspire the use of culturally loaded words translation strategies in the subtitles of Chinese animated films in the future, to promote the dissemination of excellent Chinese traditional culture.

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