
This study aims to analyze the representation of global competence in English textbooks for higher vocational education in China. A two-dimensional textbook theoretical framework based on global competence was developed, including four indicators of global competence (vertical) and 3 dimensions of textbook content (horizontal). Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative content analysis, we analyzed the representation of global competence in a set of Chinese higher vocational English textbooks (D version textbooks) in terms of content level, rendering location, and representation form. The results showed that the D version textbooks covered all of global competence indicators, among which the indicator of knowledge and understanding of global competence is the most and the attitudes and values is the least. The 16 sub-indicators of global competence presented differently in content levels, implicitly in the rendering location, and with “reading comprehension,”“oral communication” and “integrated application” as the main representation forms. This theoretical framework is an extension of global competence theory in textbook study and is also a useful tool for content analysis on non-linguistic knowledge of English textbooks.

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