
Education is the foundation of the country, the rise of education is the rise of the country, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on the road, the curriculum Civic and political teaching to meet the dual requirements of teaching and educating people, is to cultivate talents in the new era is an indispensable and important part. Especially colleges and universities are the main way to export talents for the motherland, so the construction of Civics and Politics in colleges and universities is more important, however, in the process of Civics and Politics programme construction in colleges and universities are faced with many obstructive factors. Therefore, according to Smith’s policy implementation process model, we analyse the difficulties in the implementation of Civic Politics teaching from the four levels of policy itself, implementation agency, target group, and policy environment, and point out that the teaching content is not yet perfect, the awareness of the implementation body is weak, and the external environment is not enough to support the implementation of Civic Politics teaching, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to ensure that Civic Politics plays an active and effective role in cultivating China’s modern talents. and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to ensure that the Civics and Politics of the curriculum plays a positive and effective role in cultivating modern talents in China.

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