
Learning English needs a huge amount of vocabulary recalls as well as multiple grammatical structures and practices. With the development and improvement of the humanization and quality of English teaching, the multidimensional teaching of English has formed a powerful learning model and teaching method. The teaching of dual-coding theory assisted by computer teaching software mainly focuses on the dual activation representation of language combined with nonverbal graphic recognition to complete the recognition of information. According to the dual-coding hypothesis, in Gilford’s intelligence theory, the capacity of spatial and information recognition and reading is highly significant. With the large amount of visual recognition and information acquisition, images involve spatial domain information reading, which is a learning method based on the principle of information feature recognition. Based on the principle of dual-coding theory, it is a very effective way to present information and recall specific information in the form of vision and language. In this study, the application research for the purpose of English vocabulary teaching is adopted that has strong innovative and practical characteristics. According to the steps and contents of English vocabulary learning, the study is carried out step by step from the context in detail, so it continuously improves the learning quality and efficiency of English vocabulary teaching. Vocabulary teaching can help the students better improve their cognitive level of vocabulary and meet the vocabulary test requirements of the new institution entrance examination. Further, how to improve the effect of senior high school English vocabulary teaching is a major topic in the field of senior high school English teaching. In order to sort out this issue, I proposed a computer-aided dual-coding theory to help quickly understand vocabulary usage in order to increase learning efficiency. The Paivio–Desrochers model is used in this study. In addition, this study also attempts to explore the application of dual-coding theory in senior high school English vocabulary teaching.

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