
Purpose of the study: The purpose of the present research is to find out the awareness as well as compliance of various schools under SSA (2001) and other relevant Acts with the various government guidelines in the education sector. The major factors which are being identified for the survey are likely pupil-teacher ratio, infrastructure, health and hygiene and training provided to SMC’s.
 Methodology: In conducting the following survey, descriptive research and convenience sampling has been employed. To study the current compliance of various schools under SSA (2001), a structured questionnaire has been prepared. The final questionnaire has been prepared after including various compliances on the aspects of Pupil-Teacher Ratio, Infrastructure, Health and Hygiene and SMC training. The data collected was systematically tabulated and analyzed qualitatively.
 Main Findings -The findings of the study revealed that the majority of schools in Golaghat district have very less provision for visually impaired/ low vision children and children’s magazines, newspapers and other kinds of books in the library are missing within the school premises. The lack of provisions of uninterrupted running water has proved to be a major hindrance in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the schools of the district. As far as other infrastructural conditions are concerned most of the schools surveyed lacks separate classrooms and basic facilities like separate rooms for the headmaster, staff room for teachers, computer room, sports equipment and space for assembly.
 Application of the study: The results of the research can be used by the child rights commission of concerned state who has the responsibility of monitoring RTE act implementation in all the schools of the state and based on the findings of the study they can make a necessary intervention to implement the RTE act.
 Novelty and originality of the study: In this research, RTE compliance of various schools under SSA (2001), is studied using a structured questionnaire by considering major factors likely pupil-teacher ratio, infrastructure, health and hygiene and training provided to School Management Committees (SMC).

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