
Games are used in education for concentration in the class, transfering-getting information in a easy and enjoyable way, making the lesson interesting. Today in the era of technology, young generation spend most of their time on playing Pc games. Some of these games can be considered as platforms of education. In the first year of architectural education, students complain about the intensive courses. The key problem is having a nodding acquaintance with space. Before the profession education these games can help to create a background for space sensibility. Basic purpose of this study is to discuss chosen Pc games for the awareness of space before the architectural education (for anybody). These games include web-based games, city-building games, first / third person shooter games and sandbox games. In the light of discussed games, an architectural pc game for the first year architectural education as an education game is suggested. By the help of suggested game, without risking personal injury, students will have a chance to create spaces in an enjoyable and reasonable way, have direct relationship with the space, pay more attention what is taught, enhance computer using, experience problem solving.

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