
This study explores the participants’ feedback on the program delivery of Klik Dengan Bijak (KDB) through the focus group discussion method. To encourage positive use of the Internet, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) organised the KDB program as part of the government initiative to educate the public about internet safety and security. In any program, it is important to study the actual feedback from participants who took part in the program to assess their awareness and receptiveness towards the program delivery. For this paper, the researchers conduct focus group discussions with KDB participants from four different backgrounds; professionals, educators, parents, and students. The analysis is to measure the feedback based on participants’ awareness, receptiveness, knowledge, attitude, and practice. The findings of the study reveal that the strength of the KDB program delivery is in the choice of topic and knowledgeable speaker that does provide a positive impact on participants’ knowledge and behaviour. The results also indicate other strengths and weaknesses before coming up with recommendations and suggestions to assist Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to improve the delivery of the KDB program in the future.

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