
As juvenile offenders have been high rates of recidivism, changes on juvenile correction facilities and programs are required. The transition plans for youth exiting detention is to reduce the likelihood of recidivism and to foster success in the community. Intensive aftercare program helps incarcerated juvenile offenders make a successful transition to the community and is more effective at reducing recidivism rate. Intensive aftercare program staff provide the youths inside the correctional facilities with risk and need based programs. Once they are released, the youth continue to be served by staff who provide case management, advocacy, and service brokerage.<BR> The study consists of three parts. First, the crime rate and correctional programs of juvenile offenders in Korea are addressed. Second, the background, goals, program implementation, staff characteristics, and evaluation in intensive aftercare program are discussed. Third, the implications of intensive aftercare program on juvenile correction facilities and programs in Korea are explored.

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