
With today's rapid expansion of online financial services, college students' online financial management awareness is rapidly improving, as citizens' financial management awareness gradually improves. The purpose of this study is to examine network financial management ability, with the goal of investigating the financial management ability development of college students in the Internet field of vision. College students' network financial management capabilities should include network financial management concepts, network financial ethics, network financial management knowledge, and network financial execution ability, based on a comprehensive perspective of financial management, finance, pedagogy, statistics, and other disciplines, after consulting relevant materials and drawing on the opinions of relevant scholars. And a financial risk control system for the network. Based on the theories used are Cognitive Learning Theory (CLT), perceived risk, financial management theory, Quality Development Theory and Platform Economic Theory, the author conducted a questionnaire survey in certain colleges and universities in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. The questionnaire's survey objects, as well as the scores for each question, are sorted and examined. Using data analysis shows the current state of network financial management principles, network financial management ethics, network financial management knowledge, network financial execution power, and network financial risk control among college students.

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