
Aim: This study aims to investigate the team image, team loyalty and identification levels of football fans. Methods: Within the framework of the relational screening model, the population of the study chosen by convenience sampling comprises of university students who are the fans of one of the three major soccer teams of Turkey. The sample of the study includes 207 women and 79 men as a total of 286 football supporters between the ages of 17 and 40 (20.93 ± 2.17) studying at the different faculties and high schools of a university. In this study, survey was used as data collection tool. It includes personal information form, team loyalty scale, team image scale and Identification scale of Sport Fans. Pearson Correlation Analysis was used for relationship comparisons, independent sample t-test was used for binary comparisons and one-way variance analysis for multiple comparisons was used as well as descriptive statistics. Results: When gender is taken into account, behavioral loyalty, attitudinal loyalty, sub dimensions of team identification were found to be significant in favour of men. The team image perception of Besiktas supporters is found significantly higher than Galatasaray and Fenerbahce supporters’ perception. Behavioral loyalty, attitude loyalty, team identification, and team image perceptions of supporters who watch the matches in the stadium are higher than in those who never watch. It was found that there is a significant positive correlation between the amount of spending money for football and behavioral loyalty, attitudinal loyalty and sub dimensions of team identification. There is a significant positive correlation between the frequency of attending matches annually and behavioral loyalty, attitudinal loyalty, and sub dimensions of team identification. In addition to these, a meaningful positive high and medium correlation was found between behavioral loyalty, attitudinal loyalty, team identification and team image perception. Conclusion : Finally , it can be concluded that the variables which are gender, watching the matches in the stadiuam , spending money for football and the frequency of attending the macthes have a significant effect on the level of team identification, team loyalty and team image as well as affecting each other positively.


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Tutumsal Sadakat
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