
<p>朱熹《四書章句集注》字字斟酌,得未前有。朱熹逝後,盧孝孫取《語類》、《文集》之說,逐章逐句,討論發明,輯為一百卷《四書集義》,但內容既雜,元儒劉因病其繁冗,乃約其精要,輯成《四書集義精要》一書。不但凸顯朱子尊程用意、說解典制會通諸說、補充引而未發之語、刪削浮辭標舉要領,亦能別白諸家矛盾之處,既有保存之功,又有刪略識見,純正客觀,使之不惑於多歧。有助於了解朱熹《四書章句集注》真義,以及元儒於朱注的反省與發展。本文嘗試在經學與理學的視域中,檢覈劉因《四書集義精要》中的「孟子」部分如何薈萃甄別朱子之說,對於朱學流傳北方以及四書註解的開展,尤其是以朱證朱方式的確立,提供可以檢視的依據。另外,本文所用底本為臺北故宮所藏為罕見的完整版本,尚未被學界大量使用。其可貴之處,不僅是刊雕精緻,後世未見翻刻、少見流傳,使它更有價值。藉由本文之研究,當使此一善本更受學術界重視。</p> <p> </p><p>Zhu Xi’s “Notes on Four Books and Chapters” has repeatedly changed, and his books are very different from each other. Therefore, after Zhu Xi’s death, Lu Xiaosun took “Language Class” and “Collection of Works,” said one by one, discussing the invention, and the series was one hundred. Volume "Four Book Sets Righteousness", but the contents are both complex, Yuan Confucian Liu because of its tedious, it is about its essence, compiled into "four books to set the essence of essence" book. It not only highlights Zhu Zi’s intentions in the process, but also explains why the system resolves the problem, supplements the unspoken language, and eliminates the need for evasive presentations. It can also highlight the conflicts, save the power, and delete it. Seeing, pure and objective, does not confuse it. It is helpful to understand the true meaning of Zhu Xi’s Notes on the Four Books and Chapters, and the reflection and development of Confucianism and Confucianism. This article tries to examine how the “Mencius” part of Liu’s “Four Men’s Book Collection Essays” is a metaphor for the screening of Zhu Zi in the perspective of classics and Confucianism. The establishment of the Zhu Zhu Zhu method provides the basis for inspection. In addition, the base used in this article is a rare full version of the National Palace Museum in Taipei. It has not yet been widely used by the academic community. The valuable point is not only the fine carving, but also the later generations that have not been turned and rarely seen, making it more valuable. Through the study of this article, when making this rare book more academic attention.</p> <p> </p>

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