
SAMS (school affairs management system) was developed as one of the subsequent NEIS (national education information system) e-Government projects by Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MOE&HRD) in Korea. Politically NEIS was installed and managed in each provincial Office of Education so that huge amount of students' personal information is stored in central integrated NEIS database system. But Korea Teachers' Union and some of civilian groups have raised a possibility of infringement on student's privacy. Education Informatization Committee, as an advisory organization, proposed separation of school administration section from NEIS as of March 2004 to resolve the conflicts between Government and Teachers Union. SAMS was originated in separated school administration. When the SAMS project was started, use of domestic S/W industries are encouraged and guided. During the SAMS project, Linux and UniSQL was adopted and improved in order to meet the needs of sophisticated system. So, database level of encryption system based on commercial UniSQL was studied and designed in order to increase security and not to harm infringement on privacy. In this paper, we show the procedural step and consideration of design UniSQL embedded encryption and decryption based on our experience. Design of architecture on UniSQL version 6.3 will be touched in this paper as well as detailed encryption module. After implementing encryption system on UniSQL, we simulated performance and compared query-processing factors between encryption embedded UniSQL and UniSQL without one. The results of performance evaluation shows reasonable performance compared with non-encryption function.

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