
Abstract : A systematic study has been conducted to characterize the multiple overlapping of closely spaced laser pulses in a two-photon fluorescence (TPF) cell. Parametric analysis of the autocorrelation function for the amplitude of a closely spaced laser pulse train containing n-pulses has reproduced TPF spectra experimentally observed with a low-light-level electro-optics detecting system. The effects of one- and two-photon absorption has been analyzed. Theoretical predictions have been presented for peak to background ratios, number and spacings of TPF peaks, relative TPF peak intensities and fluorescent decay spectra. A design of an experimental system for generating closely spaced laser pulses has been presented. Closed form solutions have been obtained for cases in which two-photon absorption is negligible. Finally, it can be concluded that laser pulses separated by distances on the order of one picosecond can be characterized with this system. (Author)

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