
The technique of Thin Layer Activation (TLA) has been used to monitor disc wear in pin-on-disc wear tests. By simultaneously monitoring the pin wear the relationship between the wear rates of the two components of the wear couple has been studied. Tests were carried out using untreated pins wearing against ion implanted and untreated pure iron discs. The ratio of pin/disc volumetric wear rates was found to be constant in tests with unimplanted discs. In the implanted case the ratio was 8 initially, rising to the unimplatned value of 24 by a sliding distance of 25 km. The relationship between pin and disc wear after nitrogen implantation of the disc was approximately independent of dose between values of 7×10 16 and 1.2×10 18 N atoms cm −2. The actual wear rates of both pin and disc were significantly lower after implantation with the greater effects being observed om the unimplanted pin. The effects are explained in terms of the model of oxidative wear. In the unimplanted case the high pin wear relative to disc wear is considered to result from the higher mean temperature of pin asperities. Implantation appears to alter the mean asperity temperatures in such a way as to reduce the oxidation rate of the pin preferentially. Alternatively the effect of the implantation could be to reduce the critical thickness for removal of oxide formed on disc asperities.

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