
IN THE PRESENT study, an attempt was made to determine the degree of relationship between some measures of aspiration derived from an adap tation of Casseirs Level of Aspiration Test* and academic achievement. It was speculated that an aspiration test related to academic achievement might be a valuable addition to a test battery in a scholastic situation. The relationship between intelligence and aca demic achievement has been generally recogn i z e d (1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12); therefore, intelligence test re sults are often used as predictors of academic suc cess. It seems evident, however, that other vari ables, such as emotional behavior, motivation, and aspiration influence a student's a c a demie achieve ment (4, 6, 8, 12, 14). The subjects used in this study were 101 fresh men and sophomore university students who had completed at least 12 semester hours of course work.

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