
The study on the major insect pests community of Hibiscus syriacus. There were three orders, seven families, and thirteen species of insects harmful to H. syriacus. When the harmful insects eating H. syriacus were classified according to which part of the flower they were eating, insects eating leaves, which considered of nine species four families and one order, accounted for 69.23 %. Insects sucking juice from leaves and stems comprised 15.38 %, with two species two families and two orders, while insects eating seeds comprised 15.38 %, with two species two families and two orders. Aphis gossypii appeared once per H. syriacus from the fourth week of April to the second week of June, appearing the most at a rate of 69.05 per H. syriacus during the first week of May. Dichocrocis surusalis appeared at a rate of 0.05 per H. syriacus during the third week of April and regularly appeared from the first week of July to the second week of September. Nortacha derogata appeared at a rate of 0.1 per tree during the first week of May, after which it continuously appeared until the third week of October. Anomis privata appeared at a rate of 0.05 per tree during the first week of May and continuously occurred from the fourth week of June to the fourth week of October. Its occurrence was most frequent at 2.30 per tree during the third week of September.

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