
Lack of reliable estimates of distances to most of the local dark clouds has, so far, prevented a quantitative study of their kinematics. Using a statistical approach, we have been able to extract the average spatial distribution as well as the kinematical behaviour of the local dark clouds from their measured radial velocities. For this purpose, we have obtained radial velocities for 115 southern clouds and used the data from the literature for the northern ones. In this paper we present this new data, analyse the combined data and compare our results with those arrived at by earlier studies. The local clouds are found to be expanding at a speed of ∼ 4 kms-1 which is in general agreement with the estimates from optical and HI studies. However, it is found that the kinematics of the local clouds is not described by the model proposed for the local HI gas where a ring of gas expanding from a point gets sheared by the galactic rotation. Rather, the observed distribution of their radial velocities is best understood in terms of a model in which the local clouds are participating in circular rotation appropriate to their present positions with a small expansion also superimposed. This possibly implies that cloud-cloud collisions are important. The spatial distribution of clouds derived using such a model is in good agreement with the local dust distribution obtained from measurements of reddening and extinction towards nearby stars. In particular, a region of size ∼ 350 pc in diameter enclosing the Sun is found to be devoid of clouds. Intriguingly, most clouds in the longitude range 100‡ to 145‡ appear to have negative radial velocities implying that they are approaching us.

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