Computerized testing is becoming popular even in many developing countries like Nigeria. The level of anxiety in a computerized testing situation tends to affect candidates’ performance. Studies that investigated factors affecting anxiety in a computerized testing situation appear to be scarce. This study therefore investigated the interaction between some students-related factors (age, gender, year of study, ownership of computer, computer anxiety and computer experience) and test anxiety in a computerized testing situation. The study adopted a correlation design with test anxiety in a computerized testing situation as dependent variable while the student related factors constituted independent variables. Three scales namely: Test Anxiety Scale (r = 0.84), Computer Anxiety Scale (r = 0.84) and Computer Experience Scale (r = 0.81) were used as instruments for data collection. Data collected were analysed using Frequency, Percentages, Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) coefficient and Multiple Regression analysis. The results of the analysis showed that those with higher computer experience had significant contributions to the variation in test anxiety in a computerized testing situation. Students should therefore be encouraged to have their own computers and use them often in order to reduce test anxiety in a computerized testing situation.
INTRODUCTIONAnxiety refers to a negative emotional response such as worry, fear, apprehension and agitation
Anxiety refers to a negative emotional response such as worry, fear, apprehension and agitation.According to Scovel (1978), it is a state of apprehension, a vague or sometimes undefined fear.Akman-Yesilel (2012) submits that anxiety is a term used for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension and worrying
It is on this note that this study sought to investigate the influence of selected student related factors on anxiety in a computerised testing situation
Anxiety refers to a negative emotional response such as worry, fear, apprehension and agitation. Akman-Yesilel (2012) submits that anxiety is a term used for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension and worrying According to him, these disorders affect the way we feel and behave. Computer anxiety refers to a negative emotional response due to actual or imaginary interactions with computer-based technology and performance on tasks that involve the use of computers. Test anxiety is another anxiety that could be said to be content-specific. It is on this note that this study sought to investigate the influence of selected student related factors (age, gender, year of study, computer experience, computer ownership and computer anxiety) on anxiety in a computerised testing situation
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