
Electronic gadget means a device that works on electronic technology. Even in ancient times, humans used spear knife axe, as gadgets for their protection. But gadgets did not work on electronic principle. As time passed man started using machines more and more to make himself capable but today the situation is not like this. Today is the era of technology. Everyday new gadgets are seen, especially they are becoming more dependent on smartphones which has a direct effect on our mental and health. According to a report is 2017 42% people had a mobile phone which increased to 69.4% in 2020. Recent psychological research suggests that the addiction to electronic gadgets is as bad as alcohol. Both children and young people are falling prey to it. Playing games, using social sites for hours, watching porn etc. are all initial symptoms. Today along with digitization, our work has become very easy with the help of internet as well as through electronic gadgets in the from of entertainment . We can connect with all those people of the country and the world whom it is hardly possible to meet. Internet is also like a tool for cybercrime, with the help of this, criminals, are able to commit crimes. Such electronic gadget should always be used with awareness as well as when it is very important. An electronic gadget should be used. Due to excessive use of electronic gadgets our eyes, back bone and brain are greatly affected.

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