
The environmental scenario of India is very wide. As ours is a country highly diverse climatically, geologically, geographically, edaphically, oristically, faunistically, ethnically, lingually, socially, and economically. They are to be made aware of health, family planning, nutrition, rural development, slum improvement, sanitation, hygiene, water and food contamination, fodder, fuel wood etc. To provide competency – based education, competent teachers are required. Acompetent teacher can be an instrumental in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. Teacher competency depends greatly on his / her knowledge and mastery of different subjects and skills in using pedagogical practices. Commitment to the learner including love for the learner, readiness to help learners is concerned for their all-round development, etc. Commitment to the society such as, awareness and concern for teachers, work and concern for families, communities and the nation.

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