
The Sun Also Rises was released in 2007, directed by Jiang Wen, Zhou Yun, Chen Chong and other powerful actors. The film is not only wonderful content, but also twists and turns of the plot. The story runs from the 1950s to the 1970s and tells the story of the love dispute between Li Bukong and his crazy mother and his wife, as well as the fate of various characters such as Nanyang overseas Chinese teacher Liang and Nurse Lin. Director Jiang Wen broke the fixed narrative mode of the film and split the story together again, so that the space and time of the film have a wonderful visual perception impact. This paper will the film The Sun Also Rises the space aesthetics as the research object, the space aesthetics presented in the film, based on the film depends on the spatial image construction and shooting skills, in order to analyze and study the space aesthetics and the film of the value and significance.

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