
This study was conducted at Lake Hashenge, Tigray, Ethiopia from the period of November to April 2009 to identify parasites of fish. The objective of this study was to identify parasite of fish at Lake Hashenge to determine the prevalence of parasitic disease of fish, to have baseline information fish parasite in The lake Hashenge. A total of 442 different species of were sampled. These include 217 of Mirror carp and 225 of Oreochromis niloticus. The fish were thoroughly examined both externally and internally for the presence of parasites. The major parasites identified were CLinostomum species from 96(44.2%) of Mirror carp and 64(28.4%) of Orechromis niloticus. Clinostomum species were recovered from the feaces of the fish (gastrointestinal tract). The nematode genera of capillaria identified from the GIT of 13(6%) Mirror carp and 14(6.2%) Oreochromis niloticus. The genera of Acanthocephalus were recovered from the GIT of 29(13.4%) of mirror carp and…

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