Background: The study of cells in effusional fluid was among the early domains in cytology to draw interest of clinicians and pathologists. Identification of effusional cells as benign reactive or malignant is a diagnostic primary purpose of evaluation. Clinical history when taken into account while evaluating effusions can avoid erroneous diagnosis. Materials and Methods: It was a prospective type of study. A total of 540 cases of serous effusions were cytologically evaluated following detailed history taking and clinical examination. Out of 540 cases all cases of malignant effusions were segregated and categorized according to sex, site (peritoneal or pleural), and origin (primary or metastatic). Results: A total of 50 cases were positive for malignancy.. Most common primary tumors associated with malignant effusions in males and females were of lung and ovary respectively. Most common cause of malignant pleural effusion in males was lung cancer and in females was breast cancer respectively. Most common cause of malignant peritoneal effusion in males was carcinoma GIT and in females was carcinoma ovary respectively. Conclusion: Malignancy emerged as the third most common cause of serous effusions following inflammatory and reactive causes. Malignant effusions were more common in females. Malignant effusions were mainly due to metastatic cancers, mostly adenocarcinomas. The most common cause of malignant pleural effusion in males was carcinoma lung and in females is carcinoma breast, while the most common cause of malignant peritoneal effusion in males was carcinoma GIT and in females was carcinoma ovary respectively. Keywords: Malignancy, Exudates, Effusion, Cytology
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