This paper may be considered a continuation of that published in the Annals of The Entomological Society of America, III, 94–132, with plates 10 to 20. The references to figures with the prefixed numeral I, refer to plates 13 and 14 of that article. In the caterpillar stage the Sphingidae may be defined as follows: With secondary hair on the body, epicrania, front, c1ypeus, maxillae and labium, but never on the antennae or distal parts of the maxillae and labium. There is almost always secondary hair on the adfrontals. It is present on the mandibles in Cressonia only, and the labrum bears a single additional hair in Pachysphinx . Front not more than half the height of the head (measuring here and elsewhere in this paper from the base of the front to the vertex. The frontal punctures are close together, and when distinct the primary setae are somewhat further from them than they are from each other, but they are distant from the outer edge of the front. The lobes at the two lower outer angles of the front tend to be large. Adfrontals not very wide, often narrow, not extending between the clypeus and mandible when distinct in the lower part; puncture a little below the upper seta. Clypeus narrow in the middle, often grading into the membrane below. Labrum well marked, often with very deep notch; vi distant from the margin, and usually directly below ii. Mandible with a large scrobe, bearing the two usual setae, one at the tip, and the other about half way out, toward the posterior side. Antennae with second joint most often twice as long as the first; the remaining joints exceptionally minute. Maxillary palpi stout, the second joint somewhat shorter than the first; submenta ill-defined, and mentum broad at the base. Spinneret broad, flat and short, with the usual three sclerites; labial palpi similar in form, and set obliquely to it, forming with it a sort of scoop (which would seem more useful in feeding than in spinning).
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