
Preclinical gene therapy research, particularly in rodent and large animal models, necessitates the production of AAV vectors with high yield and purity. Traditional approaches in research laboratories often involve extensive use of cell culture dishes to cultivate HEK293T cells, a process that can be both laborious and problematic. Here, a unique in-house method is presented, which simplifies this process with a specific cell factory (or cell stacks, CF10) platform. An integration of polyethylene glycol/aqueous two-phase partitioning with iodixanol gradient ultracentrifugation improves both the yield and purity of the generated AAV vectors. The purity of the AAV vectors is verified through SDS-PAGE and silver staining, while the ratio of full to empty particles is determined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This approach offers an efficient cell factory platform for the production of AAV vectors at high yields, coupled with an improved purification method to meet the quality demands for in vivo studies.

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