
Part 1 Trade in the global age: a new epoch? the global age - from a sceptical south to a fearful north. Part 2 On the mat - the poverty of protectionism: the poverty of protectionism. Part 3 The diminished giant syndrome - the obsessive search for fair and reciprocity: the diminished giant syndrome - how declinism drives trade policy hormones and trade wars the dangers of selective safeguards brie for breakfast rough trade an unhealthy obsession with reciprocity. Part 4 Aggressive unilaterailism - playing at high noon: super 301's big bite flouts the rules its the process stupid! Part 5 Japan on one's mind - the Clintonites down the precipice: the obsession - what Buchanan owes Clinton, trade wars, facing the Japanese challenge getting Japan wrong - the Japanese, the fraudulent case against Japan on boiling frogs samuris no more getting trade policy toward Japan wrong - Japan must now say no, is this showdown necessary?, the US-Japan car dispute - a monumental mistake. Part 6 The folly of fair trade before free -environment and labour standards: the case for free trade Maerican rules, Mexican jobs trade liberalization and fair demands - addressing the environmental and labour standards issues. Part 7 Free trade areas are not free trade!: let GATT live why Ross is wrong beyond NAFTA - Clinton's trading choices preferential trade agreements - the wrong road the watering of trade threats to the world trading system - income distribution and the selfish hegemon. Part 8 Coping with immigration: a champion for migrating peoples behind the green card control immigration at the border sanctuary student visas drop anchor the US brain gain - at the expense of Blacks? the false alarm of too many scientists free trade can cut health costs bashing the illegals. Democracy and its contents: democracy and development - new thinking on an old question: better than Bloomsbury? America grows roots outside the Old Testament learning from the religions of others crisis helps advance ideological positions on population growth panic, petulance, and paranoia about Japan agents of influence - an exchange exclude the exclusionary rule recalling Orwell. In the ring - with Soros, Wriston, Sachs and Valenti: wheel of fortune in the market we trust shock treatments free trade at the movies puts US in new role. Economists and economics: remembering Harry G. Johnson on learned journals in economics the end of all our exploring a machine for going backwards.

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