
Abstract Thermoacoustic properties of can-annular combustors are commonly investigated by means of single-can test-rigs. To obtain representative results, it is crucial to mimic can–can coupling present in the full engine. However, current approaches either lack a solid theoretical foundation or are not practicable for high-pressure rigs. In this study, we employ Bloch-wave theory to derive reflection coefficients that correctly represent can–can coupling. We propose a strategy to impose such reflection coefficients at the acoustic terminations of a single-can test-rig by installing passive acoustic elements, namely straight ducts or Helmholtz resonators. In an iterative process, these elements are adapted to match the reflection coefficients for the dominant frequencies of the full engine. The strategy is demonstrated with a network model of a generic can-annular combustor and a three-dimensional (3D) model of a realistic can-annular combustor configuration. For the latter, we show that can–can coupling via the compressor exit plenum is negligible for frequencies sufficiently far away from plenum eigenfrequencies. Without utilizing previous knowledge of relevant frequencies or flame dynamics, the test-rig models are adapted within a few iterations and match the full engine with good accuracy. Using Helmholtz resonators for test-rig adaption turns out to be more viable than using straight ducts.

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