
Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is a congenital disorder characterized by the absence of the enteric nervous system (ENS). HSCR potentially involves multiple gene aberrations and displays complex patterns of inheritance. Mutations of the RET gene, encoding the RET receptor tyrosine kinase, play a central role in the pathogenesis of HSCR. Although a wide variety of coding RET mutations have been identified, their pathogenetic significance invivo has remained largely unclear. We introduced a HSCR-associated RET missense mutation, RET(S811F), into the corresponding region (S812) of the mouse Ret gene. Pathogenetic impact of Ret(S812F) was assessed by histologic and functional analyses of the ENS and by biochemical analyses. Interactions of the Ret(S812F) allele with HSCR susceptibility genes, the RET9 allele and the Ednrb gene, were examined by genetic crossing in mice. RetS812F/+ mice displayed intestinal aganglionosis (incidence, 50%) or hypoganglionosis (50%), impaired differentiation of enteric neurons, defecation deficits, and increased lethality. Biochemical analyses revealed that Ret(S811F) protein was not only kinase-deficient but also abrogated function of wild-type RET in trans. Moreover, the Ret(S812F) allele interacted with other HSCR susceptibility genes and caused intestinal aganglionosis with full penetrance. This study demonstrates that a single RET missense mutation alone induces intestinal aganglionosis via a dominant-negative mechanism. The RetS812F/+ mice model HSCR displays dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance and serves as a valuable platform for better understanding of the pathogenetic mechanism of HSCR caused by coding RET mutations.

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