
In Tutaméia, Guimarães Rosa makes a synthesis of what characterizes better his work as awhole: he explores the universe of types like the cowboy, the jagunço, the sinhá, the ordinary man fromthe sertão who has a lot to say, whether through his experiences narration, or through his particularworldview. To achieve that, the author makes use of a linguistic technique very peculiar to him. One ofthe 40 narratives presented in the book, “Melim-Meloso”, is about the transcendence of this simplequotidian to a level of personal sublimation from the adventures of a wily type, following the model ofthe heroes from traditional oral short stories. The dialogue between Guimarães’s character and PedroMalazarte from the folk stories, more than a rescue of an ancestral theme, is a proof of how eruditeculture has appropriated and reinvented the popular universe.

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