
Although scrapings from lesions of tinea versicolor can be seen in potassium hydroxide preparations, a method has been worked out whereby the mycelia and spore structures of Fig. 1. Scrapings of tinea versicolor showing mycelia and spores of M. furfur. (Photograph by Mr. Raymond J. Clayton, Jr.) M. furfur are stained, more easily demonstrated and striking to the eye, with the use of Parker 51 superchrome blue-black ink. Recently Gomes (1) and Emura (2) have reported 9 10 THE JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY on this particular ink in the staining of treponemes. This ink according to Emura (2) contains the following: A special patented dye called diaminostilbene disulfonic acid coupled to two moles of l-amino-8-napthol 2,4 disulfonic (Chicago) acid. There is also 0.67% sodium hydroxide. However, no other information was available from the manufacturer. The procedure in staining scrapings from lesions of tinea versicolor is as follows: 1. Scrapings are placed on a clean glass slide and a drop or two of 10% KOH is mixed with the scales.

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