
To be in a long-lived configuration, the density in a fluid disk should be constant along streamlines to prevent compressional (PdV) work from being done cyclically around every orbit. In a pure Kepler potential, flow along aligned elliptical streamlines of constant eccentricity will satisfy this condition. For most density profiles, differential precession driven by the pressure gradient will destroy the alignment; however, in the razor-thin approximation there is a family of simple equilibria in which the precession frequency is the same at all radii. These disks may therefore be long-lived at significant eccentricities. The density can be made axisymmetric as r → 0 while maintaining the precession rate by relaxing the requirement of constancy along streamlines in an arbitrarily small transition region near the center. In the limit of small eccentricity, the models can be seen as acoustically perturbed axisymmetric disks, and the precession rate is shown to agree with linear theory. The perturbation is a traveling wave similar to an ocean wave, with the fluid rising and falling epicyclically in the gravitational field of the central mass. The expected emission-line profiles from the eccentric disks are shown to be strongly asymmetric in general and, in extreme cases, prone to misinterpretation as single narrow lines with significant velocity offsets.

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