
Natural product-encoding biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) within microbial genomes far outnumber the known natural products; chemical products from such BGCs remain cryptic. These silent BGCs hold promise not only for the elaboration of new natural products but also for the discovery of useful biosynthetic enzymes. Here, we describe a genome mining strategy targeted toward the discovery of substrate promiscuous natural product biosynthetic enzymes. In the genome of the methanotrophic bacterium Methylovulum psychrotolerans Sph1T, we discover a transcriptionally silent natural product BGC that encoded numerous ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide (RiPP) natural products. These cryptic RiPP natural products were accessed using heterologous expression of the substrate peptide and biosynthetic enzyme-encoded genes. In line with our genome mining strategy, the RiPP biosynthetic enzymes in this BGC were found to be substrate promiscuous, which allowed us to use them in a combinatorial fashion with a similarly substrate-tolerant cyanobactin biosynthetic enzyme to introduce head-to-tail macrocyclization in the proteusin family of RiPP natural products.

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