
A rapid method for determining the total phospholipids in serum has been described. The residue from the extraction of 0.075 ml of serum with 3:1 v v ethanol-ether was digested with an acid mixture of sulfuric acid, perchloric acid, and a catalytic amount of vanadium pentoxide at 225 °C for 10 min. Color development and measurement at 660 nm may be done manually or with use of an AutoAnalyzer at an analysis rate of 60/hr. Comparative analysis of four commercial control materials showed excellent agreement. A comparison of the total phospholipid concentration of 13 serum specimens analyzed using digestion with perchloric acid, sulfuric acid-30% hydrogen peroxide, and sulfuric acid-perchloric acid-vanadium pentoxide indicated that the latter two means of digestion are interchangeable and yield average recoveries of about 10% higher than those from the perchloric acid. The proposed method had a coefficient of variation of 7%, and gave quantitative recoveries of the serum phospholipids.

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