
Prior study suggests that VANET has two types of communications: Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communications. V2V is very important and ensures cooperative communications between vehicles and safety measures. It is also defined as Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC).The communication is based on clustering the nodes to transmit the data from vehicle to vehicle. The overhead and stability are considered as main challenges that need to be addressed during vehicle intersections. In this paper, a novel self-adaptable Angular based k-medoid Clustering Scheme (SAACS) is proposed to form flexible clusters. The clusters are formed by estimating the road length and transmission ranges to minimize the network delay. And the Cluster Head (CH) is elected from a novel performance metric, ‘cosine-based node uncoupling frequency,’ that finds the best nodes irrespective of their current network statistics. The parametric analysis varies according to the number of vehicular nodes with the transmission range. The experimental results have proven that the proposed technique serves better in comparison to existing approaches such as Cluster Head Lifetime (CHL), Cluster Member Lifetime (CML), Cluster Number (CL), Cluster Overhead (CO), Packet Loss Ratio (PLR) and Average Packet Delay (APD). CHL is enhanced 40% as compare to Real-Time Vehicular Communication (RTVC), Efficient Cluster Head Selection (ECHS) whereas CML is 50% better than RTVC and ECHS. Packet loss ratio and overhead is 45% better in our proposed algorithm than RTVC and ECHS. It is observed from the results that the incorporation of cosine-based node uncoupling frequency has minimized the incongruity between vehicular nodes placed in dense and sparse zones of highways.

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