
As a promising application of quantum information technology, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) can provide information-theoretically secure key exchange for adjacent communication parties. To achieve long-distance secure communication and scale expansion against inherent channel loss, trusted relays, which are assumed to be absolutely secure, are introduced into QKD networks. However, in practice, trusted relays may be compromised by attacks from ubiquitous eavesdroppers even protected by powerful hardware. Thus, how to ensure the security of end-to-end key distribution in partially-trusted relay QKD networks with the coexistence of trusted relays and untrusted relays becomes a challenging but urgent problem to be solved. To address this critical problem, in this article, we design a segment-based multipath key distribution method. The basic idea of the method is to maximize the security of the end-toend key distribution through the segment-based multipath key distribution. Under the premise of security level requirements, we further propose a flexible key reconstruction scheme to improve the efficiency of key distribution and obtain available secret keys as many as possible. The extensive simulations are conducted and the results reveal that our method significantly outperforms the traditional multipath QKD method in terms of both security and efficiency.

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