
Unlike SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) protocol, this paper proposes a SEEP (Security Enhanced Electronic Payment) protocol, which uses ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem with F2m not Fp) (Koblitz, 1987; Harper, Menezes, & Vanstone, 1993; Miller, 1986), SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), and 3BC (Block Byte Bit Cipher) instead of RSA and DES. To improve the strength of encryption and the speed of processing, the public key and the private key of ECC and HECC (Hyper Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem) are used in 3BC (Cho & Lee, 2002; Cho, Shin, Lee, & Lee, 2002) algorithm, which generates session keys for the data encryption. In particular, when ECC and HECC are combined with 3BC, the strength of security is improved significantly. As the process of the digital envelope used in the existing SET protocol is removed by the 3BC algorithm in this paper, the processing time is reduced substantially. In addition, the use of multiple signatures has some advantages, such as reducing the size of transmission data as an intermediate payment agent and avoiding the danger of eavesdropping of private keys.

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